South Korea Launches Investigation Against Telegram: What’s Going On?

Telegram is once again under the scrutiny of global authorities, South Korea Launches Investigation Against Telegram. The platform, known for its encrypted messaging and vast user base, has been implicated in the distribution of illegal content, particularly deep fake pornography, which has become an alarming issue in South Korea. This investigation is significant, as it marks the first time South Korean law enforcement has taken legal action against Telegram.

South Korea Launches Investigation Against Telegram -south korea and telegram
South Korea and Telegram

The investigation focuses on the proliferation of deepfake content—digitally altered videos that superimpose an individual’s face onto explicit material without their consent. South Korea has been particularly affected by this phenomenon, with a significant rise in cases involving deepfake pornography. Alarmingly, a majority of these cases involve both victims and perpetrators who are teenagers. The growing accessibility and use of technology to create such content have led to a surge in these crimes, with South Korea recording nearly 300 cases this year alone, almost double the previous year’s numbers.

south korea

Telegram’s role in this is particularly concerning due to the platform’s encrypted nature, which allows users to share content without easy detection. The South Korean authorities have identified eight specific bots within Telegram that have been instrumental in creating and distributing these deepfakes. Since the investigation began in late August, over 80 complaints have been filed, and 24 individuals have been named as suspects in these cases.

In response to this growing crisis, the South Korean government is moving swiftly to introduce new legislation aimed at curbing the production and dissemination of explicit deepfakes. The Korea Communications Commission has called for stricter measures from social media companies to block and remove such content. Additionally, South Korean authorities have sought assistance from their French counterparts to enhance their investigative capabilities against Telegram. This international cooperation reflects the global nature of the challenge posed by encrypted platforms like Telegram.

Telegram’s current woes are not confined to South Korea. The platform’s founder, Pavel Durov, has recently come under investigation in France for alleged ties to organized crime, and similar concerns have been raised by the Indian government. These investigations, combined with the South Korean probe, add to the growing pressure on Telegram to address the misuse of its platform for illegal activities.


Telegram has previously been criticized for its hands-off approach to content moderation, which has allowed banned content to flourish on its platform. The ongoing investigations highlight the need for stricter oversight and cooperation between Telegram and international law enforcement agencies to ensure that the platform is not used as a tool for criminal activities.

The investigation launched by South Korea against Telegram underscores the challenges that encrypted messaging platforms face in balancing user privacy with the need to prevent illegal activities. As deepfake technology continues to evolve, the risk of misuse is likely to grow, necessitating stronger legal frameworks and international cooperation. For Telegram, these investigations are a critical test of its ability to respond to global concerns about the misuse of its platform. How the company addresses these issues could have significant implications for its future and the broader debate over privacy and security in the digital age.

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